30 September 2012

Last day of September 2012

Hi readers! I know I know, I'm saying hie to the air, LOL it's been too long since my last post, but please forgive me. Yours truly had a quite busy last 2 quarter of year which need to work on most of my Saturday, this really depressing.


I've taken 1 week of bloc leave, this is really awesome one, give myself a good rest and almost forgot to share with you guys, I just came back from Bangkok with my diploma honeys! It's been a year since we booked the AA ticket, now Everyone can fly zero fair promo really cause me waited for a year, and yet 4d3n just ended too quickly.

I don't even have much photo to share with you guys, but one thing special about this trip was because this is probably the last single lady trip for my lovely honey Shuet yee.

Suprise Suprise Suprise when she first told us all at Levain on August that she's getting married in this coming December, everyone of us was like : " Nooooo, YOU R KIDDING US!" but hold your breath, this is true!

Can't really make myself believe this even she's going to have her ROM soon, but seriously happy for her, and she's the first close friend of mine getting married.

Now time really flies since I step in 23, coming 25 soon for myself. I wish for a better career, health, wealth and hope for love.

Wish me luck people :)


Yours truly,