15 March 2011

what have you learned?

People asked me, what had you learned so far?
I:"............. Dont know?"

Is it because of I didn't pay attention in classes?or I didn't want to think?
No jokes, I do feel myself like a foolish, do not wanted to use my brain to think, always impress by peoples answer who are so in depth and so rounded

ask me what I'd learn?learn to think, learn to be a more in depth person rather than act like a foolish stupid girl who always forget about this and that, lost this and that, missed this and that and finally lost until don't know what are these and thats!


Jay TY Lee said...

relax la... u are my dope fren lei geh. cannot emo ga. lenglui lei geh. (yucks)
seriously, nobody can answer that question.
u can reli answer the question 'what hav you learned'
but does it mean that you reli know how to use it?
everyone has his/her own skills =)

sansan said...

touching douuuuu....thank you for pung cheong a