nana,me and bobo decided to make our nail becum "SUI SUI" at my honey shuet yee house
becz i beh tahan her nail so leng dy!!!ahahah
always cum out wif leng leng nail
hahaha...envy her!!
so i decide to go her house,MAKE NAIL!!!!
her sister cutie FUI MENG is super geng in make nail ar!!!
after reach cheras and eat wif nana&bobo, honey cum and pick us up at leisure mall
and the make nail trip begin!!
we reach her house and start at bout 4pm...
everyone of us oso had no much idea on wat style to make cz the sample is so preety and attractive, lots pettern ar!
omg....make us so sam si si on which pattern to make!!
hehe,espeacially the nana lah!!
honey gek family having party at their house that nite summore
we get the chance to eat the legend 烧肉&查烧, really tasty! yum yum!!!
their parents so kind and keep ask us eat eat eat....
but i SAY NO...becuz i NID KEEP FIT...!!ahaha...
summore lazy to wipe my mouth cz edi make my nail and becum lady!
but.. it's a big long project
we make until 10:05pm!!!arr......god...
the result is so satisfied!!luv it yea!!!
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