22 June 2010

some inspiration,we should know each others more

When people ask, why are you constantly smiling? Why are you constantly happy? How can you be so cheerful in this evil world?

Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.

Meaningful phrase which i read from one of my friend blog, he's kinda emo lately i guess, but no worry, i believe he will go through this and of course achieve what he wants for sure.
I do agree with this, i smile not really becasue i'm happy with, perhaps it's my some kind of habit.

It's Tuesday and done my ciib tutorial today, Sir David Roberts do inspired us alot today, even the small activities such as table arranging, sounds easy but indeed we arranged some weird and funny shape,and finally 16 people counldn't form a square but rectangle,sounds stupid right?Structure and Communication is what we lack of, suddenly feel so shameful to myself that I dont really know my classmate well due to the reason this time we arranged class according to the surname, same course for 4 years and now finally have the chance to know more about each others and yet we do not really take action shows our efforts in knowing each others, SHAME ON ME!!!

Structure and communication,what else??hermm.......whole week globalisation, nahhhh international or regional??Oh my my,gonna re-start my engin and start STUDY!

1 comment:

TesSeaN said...

Hope u enjoy ur brand new UK style life =) miss u~