04 November 2010

Sunny afternoon

woke up late today as it's Deepavali Holiday
hermm, waste another day don't I?

how I wish I'm at countryside, or any park, something like peace garden, cloudy but not going to rain, windy but comfortable and silent, a white bicyle with a brown basket in front, there's some flower inside perhaps Lavendar?!, small clean river beside me, I'm sitting there with my hat on, a book with me everything so fine so peace so relax!!


人生有一些事情是可以挽回,而有些事情是不可能挽回的, 时间 就像是不可以挽回的, 一直在走着, 我的青春岁月已经不复返了, 我想要把握那剩下的, 觉得我光说不练吧??
原来不想长大的原因是因为,长大了的我感觉变得爱逃避了, 不像以前。。。。

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