28 September 2011

Mission Accomplished, we're back!

As what I posted, finally back from 2D1N Malacca trip!
Updated a little bit late because I'm so so so so so so so tired after driving for so long and had a wasted Saturday night!

We get sunburn on Saturday itself and everyone body's turn red and then now tan :(  ISssshhhh....I don't wanna get tan! but after all, We did most of our check point such as Nadeja cakes, most delicious chicken rice balls, cendol, Asam laksa, and satay celup.

Yummy yummy :P

But, one thing must share with you guys was about our  awesome drinking session night with two bottles of vodka and our woody block games (photo shared below, print screen from Bobo instagram) as I'm too busy playing the game lol.

The most funny drunkerd award goes to Mr.Tan Choon Heok a.k.a Dak dak Dei!!! He was totally out of mind and whole body turn reds, we knew it through his common pulling hair action! LOL too funny and regret I didn't took his photo!

It was a happy funny weekend! :)

Then now, photo sharing session:-

Chicken rice balls

Print screen from BOBO Instagram


Asam Laksa + Curry

Bruno Jonathan Ben

Best couple LOL

Our highlight of the night! Woody stick :D

EFFING delicious NADEJA CAKE!! Yummy

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